Total Body Enhancement Machine at Planet Fitness
There is a very exclusive club in town… well, exclusive as in you can only join if you’re willing to pay 24.99/month (Canadian) plus 49/year. The Planet Fitness black card gets you access to the total body enhancement machine as well as many other perks. It looks like a stand-up tanning bed but it’s not, it’s a combination of red light and shake plate.

Red light therapy is a form of phototherapy that involves exposing the skin to low levels of red or near-infrared light for therapeutic purposes. It is thought to work by increasing blood flow and stimulating the production of collagen and elastin, which are proteins that help to keep the skin firm and elastic.
The use of red light therapy for cosmetic purposes has become popular in recent years, with people claiming that it can help to reduce the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and sun damage, as well as improve skin texture and tone. Some people also claim that it can help to boost the immune system and reduce inflammation.

There is some scientific evidence to support the use of red light therapy for certain conditions, such as pain relief and wound healing. However, more research is needed to fully understand its effects and determine the optimal dosage and frequency of treatment.
As for the vibrating foot plate, whole-body vibration therapy is a type of physical therapy that involves standing or sitting on a platform that vibrates at various frequencies and amplitudes. It is thought to improve muscle strength and balance, as well as stimulate blood flow and reduce inflammation. However, the evidence for its effectiveness is mixed, and more research is needed to determine its potential benefits.

I’m on my very brief winter break and I’ve been using the machine 2-3 times a week, that being said I’m also overindulging in all things food and or alcohol-related. I also do the 30-minute fitness circuit when I’m there. It’s hard. to know if it’s working. I’m also terrible at taking before and after pictures! I’ll work on that. I’m planning to do a few weeks of healthy living and eating in the upcoming months. I will take photos for sure!